Wednesday, March 7, 2012



Diabetes is a disease in which the patient increased of urine. It is either due to the inefficient action of insulin or reduced production of insulin. It is divided into two types 1) Insulin Dependent Diabetes or type 1 and 2) Non- Insulin Dependent Diabetes or Type 2.
Type 1 occurs during early childhood and adolescence. In this case family members not affected. For treatment insulin injections are necessary. Type 2 occurs in middle age and old age. It is more common and body weight is increased. Family members normally affected. It is normally controlled by oral medicine. Other types of diabetes may be due to diseases of pancreas, liver, malnutrition, hormones, medicine, and pregnancy. We can diagnosis Diabetes checking Fasting blood sugar if it is above 126 mg% and after 2 hours food if the value is above 200.

# Change in the life cycle (doing regular exercise, being active, stress can be overcome by yoga, no smocking and consumption tobacco)

# Dietary management (well planned and managed diet, measuring Diabetic diet)

#Yoga (Dhanurasana or Bow Pose, Paschimottanasana, sarvangasana, Bhujangasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Kapalbhati, Pranayama etc)

# Medical treatment (Allopathic)
     Diet alone
     Diet + oral tablet
     Diet + insulin injection
     Diet + insulin + oral tablets

# Home treatment
1)      Same amount of fenugreek (Methi seed) and dried bitter gourd (Karela) powder it and take 1 teaspoonful of powder in empty stomach 2 times with water.
2)      1 cup of carrot juice and half cup of Palak juice and add half teaspoonful of powered Jeera and a pinch of salt and drink it daily.
3)      Take 5-6 Neem leaf daily.
4)      Half teaspoonful Beal tree roots powered and same amount of juice of Beal leaves.

(Consult with Doctors regularly in every six month and check blood Sugar once or twice of month)

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